Welcome to PyNetSNMP. Another python interface for SNMP! The idea behind a new python interface to the NetSNMP
library stems from a painstaking experience of trying to get the
python, SNMP, and NetSNMP
working on a Windows operating system. I finally got it working using
Cygwin, rebuilding NetSNMP to
include python bindings, and many frustrating hours of debugging
simple “gets” and “sets”. I also had to fix a
strange error in the python modules that come with NetSNMP
version 5.4.1.
After all that hard work and frustration, I figured an easier way
to interface with NetSNMP
using Python and still use the Windows version without the use of
Cygwin. If my design turns out the way I expect, then this solution
should also work on other operating systems. The key to this design
involves a new feature introduced in Python 2.4: the subprocess
module. With subprocess module, all a user will need is to have
NetSNMP correctly installed on
their machine and this new python module, PyNetSNMP, to begin
building simple scripts or larger applications with SNMP support.
Some may ask why not PySNMP
or YapSNMP? Both were
tried, and I could not get either one to work. PySNMP
choked on some standard MIBs that I and my client have been using for
years (turned out to be a flaw in python itself), and YapSNMP
would not install correctly. NetSNMP
is a well tested and mature SNMP application and is fairly straight
forward to use compared to other solutions. Also, NetSNMP
got around the python problem in PySNMP,
because it had no problem parsing my MIBs.